Mitarbeiter von Akoustis Technologies Inc ist 0
Die Angestellten arbeiten gegen Entgelt , das in Form eines Stundenlohns, als Stücklohn oder Jahreslohn je nach Art der Arbeit eines Angestellten oder in welcher Branche er oder sie arbeitet.
Employment is a relationship between two parties, usually based on a contract where work is paid for, where one party, which may be a corporation, for profit, not-for-profit organization, co-operative or other entity is the employer and the other is the employee.
Employees in some fields or sectors may receive gratuities, bonus payment or stock options. In some types of employment, employees may receive benefits in addition to payment. Benefits can include health insurance, housing, disability insurance or use of a gym. Employment is typically governed by employment laws or regulations or legal contracts.
founded in 2014 by experienced industry leaders and scientists from university of california at santa barbara (ucsb) and cornell university, akoustis’ mission is to commercialize and manufacture its patent-pending bulk one™ acoustic wave technology to address the critical frequency-selectivity requirements in today’s mobile smartphones – improving the efficiency and signal quality of mobile wireless devices and enabling the internet of things. the bulk acoustic wave (baw) filter market is rapidly expanding, driven by growth in 4g/lte and the number of filters required per device. nearly 2 billion mobile phones are manufactured per year, and over half are in the growing segment of high-end smartphones. because these smartphones need to operate globally, on more than one carrier, and with bands that are becoming ever-closer together, the need for higher-performance filters is upon us to ensure mobile compatibility. 4g/lte networks are driving the need for higher frequencies, and traditio