Auszahlungsrate von Applied Dna Sciences Inc ist N/A
Die Auszahlungsquote ist der Bruchteil des Gewinns, der den Aktionären als Dividende gezahlt wird.
The payout ratio is calculated by dividing the dividends paid out by the net earnings for a certain period. It is usually expressed as a percentage. The part of the earnings not paid to investors is left for investment to provide for future earnings growth. Investors seeking high current income and limited capital growth prefer companies with high payout ratio. However investors seeking capital growth may prefer lower payout ratio because capital gains are taxed at a lower rate. High growth firms in early life generally have low or zero payout ratios. As they mature, they tend to return more of the earnings back to investors.
we keep life real and safe by providing botanical-dna based security and authentication solutions and services that protect assets, products, brands, supply chains, and intellectual property of companies, governments and consumers from theft, counterfeiting, fraud and diversion.