Cal-Maine Foods Gewinnspanne

Was ist das Gewinnspanne von Cal-Maine Foods?

Gewinnspanne von Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. ist 11.94%

Was ist die Definition von Gewinnspanne?

Die Gewinnspanne ist ein Maß für die Rentabilität und wird berechnet, indem der Nettogewinn in Prozent des Umsatzes ermittelt wird.

Profit margin is calculated with the selling price (or revenue) taken as base times 100. It is the percentage of selling price that is turned into profit. Profit percentages are calculated to find the ratio of profit to cost of an investment. Profit margin is an indicator of a company's pricing strategies and how well it controls costs. Differences in competitive strategy and product mix cause the profit margin to vary among different companies. The profit margin is used mostly for internal comparisons. It is difficult to accurately compare the net profit ratio for different entities. Individual businesses' operating and financing arrangements vary so much that different entities are bound to have different levels of expenditure, so that comparison of one with another can have little meaning. A low profit margin indicates a low margin of safety: higher risk that a decline in sales will erase profits and result in a net loss, or a negative margin.

Was macht Cal-Maine Foods?

we are the largest producer and marketer of shell eggs in the united states. in fiscal 2012, we sold approximately 884.3 million dozen shell eggs, which represented approximately 19% of domestic shell egg consumption. our total flock of approximately 26.2 million layers and 6.6 million pullets and breeders is the largest in the united states. layers are mature female chickens, pullets are young female chickens usually under 20 weeks of age, and breeders are male or female chickens used to produce fertile eggs to be hatched for egg production flocks. we operate in a single segment. our primary business is the production, grading, packaging, marketing and distribution of shell eggs. we sell most of our shell eggs in 29 states, primarily in the southwestern, southeastern, mid-western and mid-atlantic regions of the united states. we market our shell eggs through our extensive distribution network to a diverse group of customers, including national and regional grocery store chains, club s

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