VNET Inc Zukünftige P/E

Was ist das Zukünftige P/E von VNET Inc?

Zukünftige P/E von VNET Group Inc ist N/A

Was ist die Definition von Zukünftige P/E?

Das Terminkurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis ist das Verhältnis des Aktienkurses eines Unternehmens zum geschätzten Gewinn des Unternehmens für die nächsten zwölf Monate.

The forward price to earnings ratio is similar to trailing price to earnings ratio but instead of net income uses estimated net earnings over next 12 months. Estimates are typically derived as the mean of those published by a select group of analysts with selection criteria varying. The forward price-to-earnings ratio is a powerful, but limited tool. It allows a quick snapshot of the company’s finances without getting down in the details of an accounting report.

Was macht VNET Inc?

21vianet group, inc. is a leading carrier-neutral internet data center services provider in china. 21vianet provides hosting and related services, managed network services, cloud services, content delivery network services, last-mile wired broadband services and business vpn services, improving the reliability, security and speed of its customers’ internet infrastructure. customers may locate their servers and networking equipment in 21vianet’s data centers and connect to china’s internet backbone through 21vianet’s extensive fiber optic network. in addition, 21vianet’s proprietary smart routing technology enables customers’ data to be delivered across the internet in a faster and more reliable manner. 21vianet operates in more than 30 cities throughout china, servicing a diversified and loyal base of more than 2,000 hosting enterprise customers that span numerous industries ranging from internet companies to government entities and blue-chip enterprises to small- to mid-sized enterpri