Andretti Acquisition Vermögensrendite

Was ist das Vermögensrendite von Andretti Acquisition?

Vermögensrendite von Andretti Acquisition Corp. ist -0.52%

Was ist die Definition von Vermögensrendite?

Die Vermögensrendite gibt an, wie rentabel die Vermögenswerte eines Unternehmens bei der Erzielung von Einnahmen sind. Sie wird berechnet, indem das Nettoeinkommen durch die durchschnittliche Bilanzsumme geteilt wird.

The return on assets (ROA) tells you what the company can do with what it has, i.e. how many dollars of earnings they derive from each dollar of assets they control. It's a useful number for comparing competing companies in the same industry. The number will vary widely across different industries. Return on assets gives an indication of the capital intensity of the company, which will depend on the industry; companies that require large initial investments will generally have lower return on assets. ROAs over 5% are generally considered good.

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