Long Term Care Operations 360 Kapitalrendite

Was ist das Kapitalrendite von Long Term Care Operations 360?

Kapitalrendite von Long Term Care Operations 360 ist -82.32%

Was ist die Definition von Kapitalrendite?

Die Eigenkapitalrendite ist ein Maß für die Rentabilität eines Unternehmens im Verhältnis zum Buchwert des Eigenkapitals. Sie wird berechnet, indem das Nettoergebnis des Geschäftsjahres durch das gesamte Eigenkapital geteilt wird.

The return on equity (ROE) ROE is a measure of how well a company uses investments to generate earnings growth. ROE is used for comparing the performance of companies in the same industry. It indicated the management's ability to generate income from the equity available to it. ROEs of 15-20% are generally considered good. ROEs are also a factor in stock valuation, in association with other financial ratios. In general, stock prices are influenced by earnings per share (EPS), so that stock of a company with a 20% ROE will generally cost twice as much as one with a 10% ROE.

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