John's mailing address filed with the SEC is THE HERZFELD CARIBBEAN BASIN FUND INC., 119 WASHINGTON AVE., SUITE 504, MIAMI BEACH, FL, 33139.
Over the last 5 years, insiders at Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc have traded over $1,849,597 worth of Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc stock and bought 36,781 units worth $142,076 . The most active insiders traders include Phillip Goldstein, Thomas J Herzfeld und Erik Mervin Herzfeld. On average, Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc executives and independent directors trade stock every 76 days with the average trade being worth of $60,115. The most recent stock trade was executed by Thomas J Herzfeld on 14 November 2022, trading 71,983 units of CUBA stock currently worth $358,475.
Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc executives and other stock owners filed with the SEC include: