FedNat Co Bruttomarge

Was ist das Bruttomarge von FedNat Co?

Bruttomarge von FedNat Holding Co ist N/A

Was ist die Definition von Bruttomarge?

Die Bruttomarge ist die Differenz zwischen Umsatz und Kosten der verkauften Waren, dividiert durch den Umsatz und in Prozent ausgedrückt.

Gross margin is a type of profit margin, specifically a form of profit divided by net revenue. It is generally calculated as the selling price of an item, minus the cost of goods sold (production or acquisition costs, not including indirect fixed costs like rent, or administrative costs). The purpose of margins is to give a description of the gross profit.

Was macht FedNat Co?

FedNat Holding Company is a regional insurance holding company that controls substantially all aspects of the insurance underwriting, distribution and claims processes through its subsidiaries and contractual relationships with independent agents and general agents. The Company, through its wholly owned subsidiaries FedNat Insurance Company, Maison Insurance Company, and Monarch National Insurance Company, is focused on providing homeowners insurance in Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina and Mississippi.