Mastrad Société Anonyme Operative Marge

Was ist das Operative Marge von Mastrad Société Anonyme?

Operative Marge von Mastrad Société Anonyme ist -7.54%

Was ist die Definition von Operative Marge?

Die operative Marge ist das Verhältnis von Betriebseinkommen zu Nettomsatz und in Prozent dargestellt.

Operating margin is an indicator of profitability and is often used to compare the profitability of companies and industries of differing sizes. Companies are collections of projects and markets, individual areas can be judged on how successful they are at adding to the corporate net profit. Not all projects are of equal size, however, and one way to adjust for size is to divide the profit by sales revenue. The resulting ratio is the percentage of sales revenue that gets 'returned' to the company as net profits after all the related costs of the activity are deducted.

Operative Marge von Unternehmen in Consumer Staples Sektor auf OTC im Vergleich zu Mastrad Société Anonyme

Was macht Mastrad Société Anonyme?

Mastrad Société Anonyme designs and markets culinary accessories in France, the United States, Hong Kong, and internationally. It offers pastry, preparation, baking, service, and baby culinary accessories. The company was founded in 1994 and is based in Paris, France.

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