Pacific Ventures Kurs / Umsatz

Was ist das Kurs / Umsatz von Pacific Ventures?

Kurs / Umsatz von Pacific Ventures Group, Inc. ist 0.02

Was ist die Definition von Kurs / Umsatz?

Das Kurs-Umsatz-Verhältnis ist der Aktienkurs eines Unternehmens im Vergleich zu seinen Einnahmen.

The price to sales ratio, Price/Sales ratio, P/S ratio, or PSR, is a valuation metric for stocks. It is calculated by dividing the company's market cap by the revenue in the most recent year. It can also be calculated by dividing the per-share stock price by per-share revenue. The price to sales ratio is for trailing twelve months so the reported sales are for the four previous quarters. Longer time periods can be examined at times.

A smaller price to sales ratio is usually thought to be a better investment since the investor is paying less for each unit of sales. However, sales do not reveal the whole picture, as the company may be unprofitable with a low P/S ratio. Because of the limitations, this ratio is usually used only for unprofitable companies, since they don't have a price to earnings ratio (P/E ratio). The metric can be used to determine the value of a stock relative to its past performance. It may also be used to determine relative valuation of a sector or the market as a whole.

Price to sales ratios vary greatly between sectors, so they are most useful in comparing similar stocks within a sector or sub-sector. Comparing P/S ratios carries the implicit assumption that all firms in the comparison have an identical capital structure.

Kurs / Umsatz von Unternehmen in Consumer Staples Sektor auf OTC im Vergleich zu Pacific Ventures

Was macht Pacific Ventures?

Pacific Ventures Group, Inc., through its subsidiaries, produces, sells, and distributes alcohol-infused ice creams and ice-pops. It sells its alcohol-infused ice-pops and ice creams under the SnöBar brand name. The company is also involved in the sale and lease of freezers, as well as the provision of marketing services; and wholesale and retail of fresh and specialty produce, and food products to restaurants, hotels, clubs and bars, resorts, food trucks, and caterers. Pacific Ventures Group, Inc. is headquartered in Los Angeles, California.

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